Milled Acrylic
- A popular digital material
- Similar to standard acrylic, it is rigid and very durable
- With a polished, glass-like finish and sleep design, appliances made from this material are thin and attractive
- Milled acrylic will not yellow over time
- Lower chance of chemical sensitivity
- Can be easily modified
- Available in clear
- Occlusal clearance needed from cusp to cusp
TrueSleep 4mm; TrueSplint 1.5 mm
milled Acetal
- A popular digital material
- Strong, durable, and semi-flexible resin
- Typically used for tooth colored/metal free clasps, partial frame works and snap-on smiles
- The durability of the material allows for an ultra compact appliance making it a favorite of patients
- Once polished, appliances are smooth and white as opposed to the rougher texture of 3D printed materials
- Acetal can not be modified but is perfect for Occlusal Guards, TMJ, and TrueDorsal appliances
- Occlusal clearance needed from cusp to cusp
TrueSleep 3mm; TrueSplint 1mm
True Comfort
- Easy to deliver and comfortable to wear
- Commonly referred to as a Dual Laminate or Hard/Soft material, it is a thermoformed material with a soft inside and hard outer shell
- Minor modifications can be made on this material, occlusal relines can be made easily but it can not be internally relined
- Bonds to acrylic
- Can be distorted if exposed to heat
- Available in clear, blue and pink
- Occlusal clearance needed from cusp to cusp
TrueSleep 5mm; TrueSplint 2mm
- A favorite among dentists for limiting the need for chair time
- Is similar to standard acrylic, but if run under hot water it will become softer, allowing patients to easily seat their appliances
- Mainly used for the fabrication of Occlusal Guards, Deprogrammers and Farrars
- Bonds to acrylic and can be modified
- Available in clear
- Occlusal clearance needed from cusp to cusp
TrueSleep 4mm; TrueSplint 1.5mm
True Function Appliance Material Options
When it comes to treating patients, we know they are not all created equal. Anatomy, preferences, tolerances, experiences all play a factor in making treatment with an appliance successful. That is why True Function is dedicated to offering different material options for your Sleep, TMD and Occlusal Guard appliances.